Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The First Immigrant Child to Die

Will Rosalita from Ecuador, only eight months old and unsympathetically deposited in a Texas mass childcare facility, be the first to die?

There are only four caseworkers for every 1,000 children assigned to watch over the youngest children in many or most of the temporary DHS and HHS holding facilities, otherwise known as juvenile prisons, hurriedly set up to contain the young victims of Donald Trump’s wrath.

Will four-year-old Juan from Guatemala, heard crying on an audible tape from inside a former Walmart building near the border, begging over and over for his father (“Papa! Papa!”), will he be the second child who has been neglected just enough to die from dehydration and sorrow, alone in the night?

Which of the small children sobbing and ignored, deposited in some corner, and fitfully watched over by other immigrant children in the absence of adult caretakers, will die next, unfed, undiapered, unwashed, uncomforted even though loved dearly by parents who are either imprisoned hundreds of miles away or have already been refused asylum to our grand and glorious country and forced onto a plane back to Columbia, or Costa Rica, or El Salvador?

How many more times must the world watch President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jefferson Sessions and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen shamelessly lie to the American public with their claims that they are only following the law enacted by Democrats, have no need to apologize, and find Biblical support for their separation of tiny Latin American children from their parents?

Repeating a lie does not make it come true. “Playing to the base” of vehement Trump supporters does not alter the equation of the current administration, i.e.:

According to Trump and his mindless hate-filled followers, these obscene acts of violence against the poorest and most wretched of Latin Americans will end only if Congress enacts an immigration law that:

(1) caters only to “merit,” money, and a higher education, and not merely a willingness to work hard and/or a fear of violent, often deadly retribution in the homeland;

(2) cuts off “chain migration” of family members such as those of the Drumph/Trump family over several generations including Melania Trump’s parents;

(3) prohibits immigration lotteries to redress the dearth of immigrants from countries from which they were nearly completely banned from the U.S. for decades, even centuries; and

(4) appropriates $25 billion to build an unnecessary southern border wall that is, in much of its terrain, unbuildable and/or owned by private individuals who will fight in the courts for years to prevent acquisition by eminent domain.

This is BLACKMAIL to build a monument to the hatred and scorn of Donald Trump while the most vulnerable immigrant children weaken and yes, will soon begin dying, on his watch.

When will there be enough violence against innocent children to please the psychopath in the White House?

“How many deaths will it take ‘till we know
“That too many people have died?
“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
“The answer is blowing in the wind.”

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