Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Being Grateful on the Fourth of July

On this Fourth of July I am grateful:

That Donald Trump has not headed up a coup and declared martial law in these United States, sending white supremacist troops outfitted by Russia to take over control of military bases, government offices, and transport;

That Donald Trump has not fired Robert Mueller and his honorable and intrepid team of prosecutors;

That Michael Cohen has not been pardoned and silenced;

That Americans all over the country still rise up and make their passionate voices heard in favor of freedom and inclusiveness;

That Canadians, English, French, Germans and other free peoples around the world still support American dreams and intentions in spite of our national government;

That immigrants from all over the globe still consider America to be their final destination to escape poverty, hunger, bigotry, and persecution regardless of the obstacles now threatening their ability to seek better lives among us;

That no illegally imprisoned Latin American immigrant child has died in the custody of DHS or HSS;

That Maxine Waters is not afraid;

That Senator John McCain is still among us as a symbol of courage;

That Milo Yiannopoulos is not analyzing the news on CNN;

That Alan Dershowitz is feeling the heat;

That new generations are absorbing the lessons of our history and running for office all over the country;

That our free press is still exposing the corruption and rot of this presidency;

That writers and cartoonists around the world join us in their surveillance and descriptions of the Man Who Would Be President and his criminal family and enterprise;

That ordinary citizens continue to step up and confront the architects of the new kleptocracy when opportunities arise;

That the Russians have not invaded . . . yet;

That Christopher Steele is safe;

That North Korea and Iran have not launched a nuclear war in spite of provocations from Washington;

That we can drive over the Canadian border and feel welcome;

That we have among us diplomats, civil servants, and office holders who uphold the high standards expected of them, waiting for an opportunity to replace the swamp dwellers who sully our reputation and stain our history;

That the Day of Reckoning will come;

That our nation will remain a beacon of light;

That we still believe in the words of the Declaration of Independence that:

— “A Prince whose character is . . . marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. . . .

— “[and hence] we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

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