Monday, April 9, 2018

Making Us All Crazy

In the past year or so the American psyche has gone full schizophrenic, scattering paranoia across the rest of the world.

The Trump Effect—abetted by a government without expertise, experience, sufficient personnel, understanding, sanity, sympathy, order, or any real plan—is pushing us all psychologically over the edge in a maelstrom of cowering fear and dread.

What will the Orange Flufferbunny do next? . . . we continually worry.

What norms will evaporate in the wake of the strongman’s inner panic and Playtime in the Oval Office with Fox News and Twitter?

Which nation’s skeptical leaders will be paraded in front of the White House cameras as props for the president’s next rant about Hillary Clinton and the millions of immigrants who illegally voted for her in the November 2016 “rigged” election (by now, who can remember that far back)?

How can a country raised on tabloid language and reality television deal with the flood of runaway superlatives (“the greatest,” “the best,” “disastrous,” “terrible”) that pepper Trump’s speech to the near-exclusion of language that has any recognizable applicability? When will the jackass in the Oval Office stop making transparently empty boasts about having the “best words,” being the “greatest jobs president that God ever created,” his “tremendous” appointments, or policies, or speaking skills, or crowds?

How many AR-15 assault rifles will be aimed at our children and their teachers while the gun lobby counts its profits and maintains its stranglehold on Congress?

Which communities will cower in fear of bankruptcy as tariffs on Chinese imports soar in Trump’s tit-for-tat world, endangering millions of businesses and livelihoods in Trump’s Red America?

How long will it take for North Korea to remind Our Dear Leader that it holds all the cards and will never surrender its nuclear toys in the wake of empty bombast and threats from Washington?

How significantly will Putin rig future American elections while Republicans are in denial or—worse—in cahoots?

When will the American military be deployed strategically to help America’s allies rather than marking time on the Mexican border to prevent Latin American immigrants from entering the country?

How many military parades to tout the glory of The Donald will wend their way down Pennsylvania Avenue to jeers and hoots of derision?

Will the country ever recover from the exodus of diplomatic, scientific, financial, economic, and military know-how as the best and brightest scramble for the exits under an onslaught of insults, leaks, disclosures, dismissals, and derisive backstabbing?

When will Congress grow a backbone to counter its cowardice and greed?

How many more deadly floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, polar air masses, historic tides, vanishing shorelines, wildfires, blizzards, and nor’easters will it take to expose the ignorance and greed of climate change deniers?

How can we teach our children kindness and manners and recover our equanimity when the elected leader of the country describes his own female aide Hope Hicks to her face—in the presence of two Trump sons—as “the best piece of tail” her ex-boyfriend Corey Lewandowski will “ever have”?

Can Americans imagine a time when we will not cringe as Trump mauls the lessons of history, tramping around the globe metaphorically, dismissively describing other countries without the requisite number of gold-plated bathroom fixtures as “shitholes”?

How many more relatively sane administration heads will roll and fearfully unleashed new hires embark on tearing down the fabric of American life that took so many years to create?

Will there ever come a time when Trump will climb out of our skulls and leave us to pick up the pieces of the American Dream without his bloated, twisted, malignant presence?

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