Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hubris in Play: Powerful Men Keep Falling on Their Swords

Several weeks ago, if you thought all the major sexual harassers had been outed, you were wrong.

Were you ever.

Recent days and weeks have seen the following prominent men—among others—accused of a variety of acts of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault:

— Alex Kozinski, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Associate Judge and formerly Chief Judge, has been accused of multiple sexual indiscretions including the sharing of pornography with his female staff members;

— Former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar was recently sentenced in a Michigan federal district court to a maximum 60-year prison term for possession of tens of thousands of child pornography images, as well as other federal charges, and is awaiting sentencing in separate state cases for sexually assaulting numerous women and girls primarily during medical appointments;

— Minnesota Democratic Senator Al Franken, the target of some minor and somewhat controversial accusations, has resigned effective the end of December. He at least has had the good grace to apologize and gave an exceptional speech on the floor of the Senate highlighting his views about the events that have roiled him and still hold true for Donald Trump and Roy Moore;

— Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks has resigned effective the end of January;

— Tom Ashbrook, star New Yorker reporter, has been suspended from the magazine and terminated from employment at Georgetown University;

— Leonard Lopate and Jonathan Schwartz, two of NPR’s long-time hosts, were suspended from WNYC;

— Peter Martins, the artistic director of New York City Ballet and an instructor at School of American Ballet, was suspended from teaching his weekly class at the school;

— Matt Lauer, NBC host of the Today Show for 20 years, was fired after a detailed accusation of sexual abuse was given to NBC management, closely followed by multiple other accusations;

— Famed Metropolitan Opera conductor James Levine, was suspended from his employment after being accused of decades of sexual abuse of underage boys;

— Texas Republican Congressman Joe Barton, is retiring from the House after admitting to multiple online sexting allegations of nude photos of himself and at least one woman;

— Michigan Congressman John Conyers, having served in the House for over half a century, resigned from Congress as Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee following revelations that he settled an unlawful firing/sexual harassment charge with a $27,000 payoff; and

— Eminent playwright Israel Horovitz, has been charged with decades of sexual misconduct by at least nine accusers, leading to the cancellation of at least two productions of his plays.

So if you thought the recent inclusion of veteran newsman Charlie Rose in the Abusers Hall of Shame put the nail in the coffin of American women’s list of misogynistic men who abuse, think again. The women whose careers were short-circuited and whose persons were assaulted—having long suppressed their fear, anger, embarrassment, and humiliation—continue to come forward and tell their stories.

At a rapid head-turning pace. #MeToo

They have inspired women in a number of other countries to do the same, including Britain and France.

Public figures who were insulated from disclosure by their gravitas and accumulated power for decades are being fired from prestigious jobs or are resigning in disgrace. Charlie Rose, consummate veteran CBS/PBS/Bloomberg news anchor, host, and contributing correspondent was fired after being accused by at least twenty women over a period of decades of groping, lewd telephone calls, and unwanted advances.

Time Magazine named “The Silence Breakers” the 2017 Person(s) of the Year, acknowledging the widespread effect of the women who have been coming forward #MeToo.

And for this series of developments we probably have Alabama Judge Roy Moore to thank as much as the omnipresent destructive movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, still looming over the proceedings (against whom a class action RICO racketeering lawsuit has been commenced, also naming various Weinstein associates as co-defendants or enablers).

That is, Roy Moore, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in a special election to fill the Alabama U.S. Senate seat of Attorney General Jeff Sessions—occurring today under a bright spotlight—has commandeered and raised the public consciousness over his stalking and assaults on teenage girls when he was already an Alabama district attorney. He has injected an element of bravado into the hearts of sexual abuse victims.

Moore’s wife and supporters have cried foul, referring to Moore’s evangelical piety, claiming that the women who accuse Moore must have been offered bribes by the media, and flatly denying all charges. But the list of Moore’s accusers has grown to nine, with the youngest purported sexual assault victim being only 14 years of age when she was lured to Moore’s residence and sexually attacked. Moore was then 32 years old.

And President Trump, against whom at least twenty accusations of sexual abuse are pending—and whose counsel appeared this past week at an hour-long hearing in Manhattan on a sexual harassment lawsuit against him requesting dismissal of the action—has endorsed Roy Moore. The Republicans’ tenuous control of the Senate is at stake. A win by Democrat Doug Jones would diminish the Republican Senate majority to a mere 51-to-49.

Democratic Senator Kirstin Gillibrand has publicly called for Trump’s resignation.

Other notables who have been outed in past weeks in seemingly unchecked public disclosures of a variety of offensive behaviors include New York Times White House correspondent Jeffrey Thrush, Texas Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold who secretly settled a sexual harassment allegation for $84,000, Pixar co-founder/Disney Animation head John Lassseter, and actors Ron Jeremy, Tom Sizemore, and Sylvester Stallone. Other slightly less prominent but powerful men have also been publicly chastised.

Some days the list seemed to grow by the hour.

Even actress Uma Thurman has gotten into the act, promising future full disclosure about Harvey Weinstein “and his Wicked Conspirators” although Weinstein has already been outed by more than 100 other women.

Following is a revised and updated catalogue of notable men whose careers were forged in America and who pursued women in a variety of egregious and often illegal ways on and off the job. Some received unwanted publicity years or even decades ago when their conduct was publicized and punished, but most have only had their unsavory and/or criminal escapades recently unearthed for public scrutiny.

The newest list of abusers includes:

A President, two federal judges, 29 politicians, 10 business and sports moguls, athletes, and an Olympic gymnastics doctor, 17 news executives, hosts, and analysts, 23 movie studio heads, producers, promoters, directors, and writers, a literary critic, two editors, 25 singers, actors, a musician, and a magician, two master performers, two celebrity photographers, a hotelier, and three celebrity chefs. The total number of sexual harassers and abusers featured below is now up to 119.

It is impossible to predict how many more prominent media personalities may find themselves on the receiving end of sexual harassment or abuse claims in the days and weeks to come.

The Big Four continue to be comprised of the following enterprising quartet:

— Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein (103 victims and counting)
— Actor Bill Cosby (58+ victims)
— U.S. Women’s Gynastics Dr. Larry Nassar (140+ victims)
— Writer-director James Toback (310+ victims)

An expansive list of prominent men on the “most-offensive” list now includes the following (only a cockeyed optimist would consider this list to be complete, but it may be time to move on):

I. President:

1. Donald J. Trump
Number of accusers: twenty (20)
Dates of accusations: early 1980s-2013

II. Judges:

2. Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: 1980-1983

3. Associate Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski
Number of accusers: six (6)
Dates of accusations: 2008, 2012, 2014

III. Politicians:

4. Former State Supreme Court Judge; Republican Senatorial candidate Roy Moore
Number of accusers: nine (9)
Dates of accusations: 1977-1991

5. Republican Rep. Trent Franks
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: recently

6. Democrat Assembly Majority Whip Paul Bocanegra
Number of accusers: six (6)
Dates of accusations: 2009

7. Democratic State Rep. Steve Lebsock
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2016


8. Democratic Party Chairman Stephen Bittel
Number of accusers: six (6)
Dates of accusations: various

9. Republican Rep. Mark Foley
Number of accusers: four (4) or more
Dates of accusations: 2001-2006


10. Republican Speaker of the House Rep. Dennis Hastert
Number of accusers: four (4) or more
Dates of accusations: 1960s-1970s

11. Republican Rep. Daniel B. Crane
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 1980

12. Republican Rep. Mark Souder
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2004-2010


13. Republican House Speaker Jeff Hoover
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: recent

14. Republican Rep. Brian D. Linder
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: recent

15. Washington County Commissioner LeRoy E. Myers Jr.
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2017

16. Democratic Rep. Gerry E. Studds
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: 1973

17. Democratic Rep. John Conyers
Number of accusers: two (2) or more
Dates of accusations: 1997-2005, 2015


18. Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Senator Al Franken
Number of accusers: six (6)
Dates of accusations: 2003, 2006, 2010

19. Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) State Senator Dan Schoen
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: 2015(?)

20. Republican State Rep. Tony Comish
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: 2010(?)-2017


21. Republican Senator John Ensign
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2009 (?)

22. Democratic Rep. Ruben Kihuen
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2015

23. Reno City Manager Andrew Clinger
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: 2011-2016

New York:

24. Democratic Rep. Eric Massa
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2008-2010

25. Democratic Rep. Frederick W. Richmond
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 1978

26. Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner
Number of accusers: seven (7) or more
Dates of accusations: 2011, 2013, 2016

North Carolina:
27. Chief of Staff (for Rep. Mark Meadows), Kenny West
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: 2012 (?)


28. Republican state Rep. Wes Goodman
Number of accusers: dozens
Dates of accusations: various

29. Republican state Sen. Cliff Hite
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2017

30. Republican Senator Bob Packwood
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: on or before 1995


31. Republican Rep. Joe Barton
Number of accusers: multiple (??)
Dates of accusations: 2015

32. Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2014

IV. Business and Sports Moguls, Athletes, Olympic Gymnastics Doctor:

33. Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2013

34. Billionaire, English business magnate, investor, and philanthropist, owner of The Virgin Group of 400 companies Richard Branson
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: 2010 (??)

35. DFJ Founding Partner and Tesla board member Steve Jurvetson
Number of accusers: unclear
Dates of accusations: not known

36. Hall of Fame quarterback and Sports 1 Marketing owner Warren Moon
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: recently

37. USA Women’s Gymnastics Dr. Larry Nassar
Number of accusers: one hundred forty (140) or more
Dates of accusations: 1994-2016

38. Co-Founder and Managing Director of Sherpa Capital / Uber Shervin Pishevar
Number of accusers: five (5)
Dates of accusations: recent

39. Founder and CEO of phone startup Essential Products Andy Rubin
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2014

40. Def Jam Recordings founder, CE of Rush Communications, philanthropist Russell Simmons
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 1991

41. Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky
Number of accusers: numerous
Dates of accusations: decades past

42. Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2016

V. News Executives, Hosts, Analyst:

43. Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes
Number of accusers: at least ten (10)
Dates of accusations: 1967-2016

44. NPR veteran host of “On Point” Tom Ashbrook
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: unclear

45. Fox News host and contributor Eric Bolling
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: recent

46. President and publisher of The New Republic Hamilton Fish
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: unclear

47. NBC News political analyst Mark Halperin
Number of accusers: twelve (12) or more
Dates of accusations: 1994 to recently

48. NBC Today Show Host Matt Lauer
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: 2001, 2012, 2014, 2016, etc.

49. New Yorker star reporter, Georgetown lecturer Ryan Lizza
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: recent

50. Public radio host of “The Leonard Lopate Show” Leonard Lopate
Number of accusers: uncertain
Dates of accusations: not known

51. Fox News host Bill O’Reilly
Number of accusers: five (5) or more
Dates of accusations: 2002-2017

52. NPR senior vice president of news and editorial director Michael Oreskes
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: 1990s, 2015

53. Fox News political commentator Geraldo Rivera
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 1973

54. CBS, PBS, Bloomberg News Anchor, host, contributing correspondent Charlie Rose
Number of accusers: twenty (20)
Dates of accusations: late 1990s-2011

55. Public radio host of “The Jonathan Channel” Jonathan Schwartz
Number of accusers: uncertain
Dates of accusations: not known

56. Radio and television host Ryan Seacrest
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2007 (?)

57. Vox Media editorial director Lockhart Steele
Number of accusers: unclear
Dates of accusations: not known

58. NPR Chief News Editor David Sweeney
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: unclear

59. New York Times White House correspondent Jeffrey Thrush
Number of accusers: unspecified (multiple)
Dates of accusations: 2012, 2013, 2017

VI. Movie Studio Heads, Producers, Promoters, Directors, Writers, Agent:

60. E! News correspondent Ken Baker
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: unclear

61. Children’s book author, illustrator and motivational speaker Dallas Clayton
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: unknown

62. Producer and director Gary Goddard
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: 1974

63. Public radio host and writer John Hockenberry
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: past ten (10) years at least

64. Playwright Israel Horowitz
Number of accusers: nine (9)
Dates of accusations: early 1980s-2016

65. The Flash and Supergirl showrunner Andrew Kreisberg
Number of accusers: nineteen (19)
Dates of accusations: unspecified

66. Artforum art magazine publisher Knight Landesman
Number of accusers: nine (9) or more
Dates of accusations: various

67. Pixar co-founder/Disney Animation head John Lassseter
Number of accusers: numerous
Dates of accusations: various

68. “Girls” writer/TV producer Murray Miller
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2012

69. CBS Diversity Sketch Comedy writer and producer Rick Najera
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: recent

70. Polish director Roman Polanski
Number of accusers: five (5)
Dates of accusations: 1972, 1973, 1977, 1984

71. Amazon Studios head/chief promoter Roy Price
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2015

72. Producer and director Brett Ratner
Number of accusers: six (6)
Dates of accusations: early 1990s, 2004-2005, 2014

73. Nickelodeon showrunner Chris Savino
Number of accusers: twelve (12) or more
Dates of accusations: 2002-present

74. “One Tree Hill” creator and showrunner Mark Schwahn
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: 2003-2012

75. Tech bloger Robert Scoble
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: 2009-2014

76. “X-men” director Bryan Singer
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2003

77. Director Oliver Stone
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: early 1990s (?)

78. Writer and director James Toback
Number of accusers: three hundred ten (310) or more
Dates of accusations: 1987 to the present (?)

79. Talent agent Adam Venit
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2016

80. “Mad Men” showrunner and writer Matthew Weiner
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2009

81. The Weinstein Company producer: Harvey Weinstein
Number of accusers: at least one hundred three (103)
Dates of accusations: 1970s-2015

82. The Weinstein Company producer: Bob Weinstein
Number of accusers: one (1) or more
Dates of accusations: 2016

VII. Literary Critic, Editors:

83. DC Comics editor Eddie Berganza
Number of accusers: three (3)
Dates of accusations: unclear

84. New Republic editor Leon Wieseltier
Number of accusers: twelve (12) or more
Dates of accusations: uncertain

85. Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2005

VIII. Singers, Musician, Magician, Actors:

86. Ben Affleck
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: 2003, 2014

87. Casey Affleck
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: 2010

88. David Blaine
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2004

89. Former Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2002

90. Comedian Louis C.K.
Number of accusers: five (5)
Dates of accusations: Beginning about 2002.

91. Stephen Collins
Number of accusers: four (4)
Dates of accusations: 1973-1994

92. Bill Cosby
Number of accusers: fifty-eight (58) or more
Dates of accusations: 1965-2008

93. Andy Dick
Number of accusers: more than one
Dates of accusations: recent

94. Richard Dreyfuss
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: mid-1980s

95. Robert Herjavec
Number of accusers: one (1) ??
Dates of accusations: 2015

96. Dustin Hoffman
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: 1985, 1991

97. Michael Jackson
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: 1985-1992, 1986, 1988, 1992 (??)

98. Porn star Ron Jeremy
Number of accusers: more than a dozen (12+)
Dates of accusations: during the past thirty (30) years or so

99. Ethan Kath
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2004-2014

100. R. Kelly
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: 1996-present

101. Danny Masterson
Number of accusers: four (4)
Dates of accusations: uncertain

102. Jeremy Piven
Number of accusers: four (4)
Dates of accusations: 2003, 2011, other dates (?)

103. Geoffrey Rush
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2015

104. Steven Seagal
Number of accusers: three (3) ???
Dates of accusations: 1991-2005

105. Charlie Sheen
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 1985

106. Tom Sizemore
Number of accusers: one (1)
Date of accusation: 2003

107. Kevin Spacey
Number of accusers: twenty (20) or more
Dates of accusations: 1981-2014

108. Sylvester Stallone
Number of accusers: one (1)
Date of accusation: 1986

109. George Takei
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: about 1980

110. Jeffrey Tambor
Number of accusers: two (2)
Dates of accusations: unclear

111. Ed Westwick
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2014

IX. Master Performers:

112. Metropolitan Opera Conductor James Levine
Number of accusers: multiple
Dates of accusations: 1968, 1979, 1985 et seq., 2016

113. Artistic Director of New York City Ballet and instructor at School of American Ballet Peter Martins
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: unknown

X. Celebrity Photographers:

114. Terry Richardson
Number of accusers: nine (9) or more
Dates of accusations: 2001-2014 (?)

115. Bruce Weber
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2014

XI. Hotelier, Celebrity Chefs:

116. Hotelier André Balazs
Number of accusers: four (4)
Dates of accusations: 1991-2014

117. Chef John Besh
Number of accusers: one (1) against Besh; twenty-five (25) or more re a culture of abuse within Besh’s restaurant group
Dates of accusations: 2015, previously and continuing

118. Pastry Chef Johnny Iuzzini
Number of accusers: four (4)
Dates of accusations: various dates

119. Chef Julian Medina
Number of accusers: one (1)
Dates of accusations: 2017 (?)

[Updated December 12]

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