Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Alan Dershowitz on Trump’s “Legal Colonoscopy”

Most Americans know about George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn, and Rick Gates. How they’ve all been indicted (along with a growing list of other malefactors) by the Robert Mueller Special Counsel team investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and associated criminal acts.

First, former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, who ran off at the mouth about working with the Russians to undermine U.S. elections and then lied to the FBI; then Michael Flynn, Trump’s first Director of National Security, who failed to register as a foreign agent and also lied to the FBI; and finally, Rick Gates, the assistant director of the Trump Campaign who committed financial fraud and then—predictable as rain—lied to the FBI.

They’ve all “flipped,” as mob boss Donald Trump describes them, ratting out others higher up in the chain of command to avoid spending a great many years in the slammer (including, we are wishfully predicting, his Nibs in the Oval Office).

And now we hear that last week, as a Virginia federal jury was deliberating about eighteen counts of conspiracy, money laundering, and false statements, the defendant former Trump campaign head Paul Manafort tried to negotiate a deal with prosecutors. Even after his conviction on eight of those felony counts, and with a new trial fast approaching in Washington, D.C. on additional Ukraine/Russia-related charges (being an unregistered agent of a foreign power), Manafort recognizes that he is in big trouble (deep shit as our eloquent Commander in Chief might say).

Michael Cohen also came over from the dark side to offer whatever he knows about his erstwhile boss (which is potentially substantial) to the Mueller team. The Fixer of seemingly infinite loyalty who clammed up for months has realized that his life could stagnate for a very long time in a tiny barred cell if he kept his oath of fealty to the boss, a boss who never ceased to ridicule and deride him every chance he got.

As Professor Alan Dershowitz delicately described the downside of Trump’s loyalists defecting to avoid prison sentences that could keep them in Leavenworth for the rest of their natural lives:

“Businessmen are going to be deterred from running for political office because it’s going to result in a sort of legal colonoscopy.”

“Businessmen”? These guys were simply acting as ordinary businessmen?

Manafort’s failure to report tens of millions of dollars in income from a Russian-influenced Ukrainian strongman accompanied by excessive spending on multiple homes and expensive suits (even an ostrich jacket) was simply acting as a “businessman”?

In whose fantasy universe?

The ever-voluble Professor Dershowitz is worried about legitimate businessmen (and—let us give him the benefit of the doubt—businesswomen) avoiding politics because their illegal deeds might end up splayed across the tabloids in a federal probe against presumably inevitable thefts and grifting, kind of like The Trump Organization?

Is Dershowitz suffering from Martha’s Vineyard Alienation Syndrome?

Honest politicians have nothing to fear from being featured on the national stage as they conduct our nation’s business. Rather, the ones who regard campaign financing accounts and the federal treasury as their personal piggybanks and opportunities for “branding” to rake in big bucks from local lobbyists and foreign autocrats laundering illegal wealth are the charlatans who should be avoiding the spotlight of public service.

Dear Professor Dershowitz: Who has been spiking your drinks on Martha’s Vineyard?

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Lo Unto Us a Child Is Born, or the Plot Thickens

CNN has published a story delineating and detailing an earlier rumor that a Trump Tower doorman has information about an illegitimate child that Trump fathered. (Sound familiar? Remember the Arnold Schwarzenegger out-of-wedlock child who was kept away from the limelight for at least 15 years? The story has an odd parallel to that about Trump since apparently both the children were borne by the fathers’ housekeepers.)

Naturally enough in Trump World, the story had been quelled and Trump himself dismissed it out of hand when the rumors first arose some time ago.

In the wake of this week’s grant of immunity by federal prosecutors in charge of the Michael Cohen campaign finance case to one David Pecker, Chairman of American Media Inc., which publishes the country’s biggest tabloid newspaper—the National Enquirer—the doorman has been released from restrictions about coming forth with the specifics of this apparently true story.

Mr. Pecker has revealed that his publication had acted as Trump’s press agent for decades, “catching and killing” a variety of negative news stories about Trump, even storing them for years in a variety of safes to keep them from prying eyes. (It also promoted a drumbeat of negative and entirely false stories against Trump opponents including Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, acting as Trump’s private press agent and censor.)

The stories that lay festering in the AMI safe included that of the out-of-wedlock child who henceforth will have the unfortunate fate of being associated with our 45th President . . . for the rest of his or her life.

Previously, the Trump Tower doorman, one Dino Sajudin, had signed a November 15, 2015 contract with American Media, Inc., the self-same company that owns and publishes the National Enquirer and which prohibited him from discussing the subject at hand, said subject being “Donald Trump's illegitimate child.”

Readers may recall that it was in November 2015 that the Trump campaign for presidency really got under way and began steamrolling other Republican candidates with malignity.

According to a CNN story:

“The contract appears to have been signed on Nov. 15, 2015, and states that AMI has exclusive rights to Sajudin's story but does not mention the details of the story itself beyond saying, ‘Source shall provide AMI with information regarding Donald Trump's illegitimate child . . .’

“The contract [further] states that ‘AMI will not owe Source [Mr. Sajudin] any compensation if AMI does not publish the Exclusive [story] . . .’ and the top of the agreement shows that Sajudin could receive a sum of $30,000 ‘payable upon publication as set forth below.’

“But the third page of the agreement shows that about a month later, the parties signed an amendment that states that Sajudin would be paid $30,000 within five days of receiving the amendment. It says the ‘exclusivity period’ laid out in the agreement ‘is extended in perpetuity and shall not expire.’

“The amendment also establishes a $1 million payment that Sajudin would be responsible for making to AMI ‘in the event Source breaches this provision.’”

How can this be? How can such terms be binding?

First off, no contract can be valid “in perpetuity.” That makes it void from its inception, or ab initio.

And second, a penalty clause of $1 million is so wildly out of proportion that it invalidates the contract altogether. Hell, the poor doorman apparently only pocketed $30,000, mere chump change in Trump World.

Or so I would anticipate Michael Avenatti will respond. (You remember Avenatti, don’t you, sports fans? The lawyer who made representing a porn star with a tale to tell into a modern folk heroine.)

This really is too rich.

How can a 21st century American politician who is seeking the White House imagine that a secret like this one will remain under the carpet?

Events have coalesced to force this particular secret out of hiding, laid bare for the American public—fickle and unreliably erratic in its judgments—to feast upon.

Pity the poor housekeeper.

Pity the poor child.

Their names will live in infamy, or at least ignominy.